"This is a Big, Ugly Political maneuver by a handful of people who are Undermining America's energy security", said Micheal Vickerman, executive director of RENEW Wisconsin, a non-profit that promotes renewable power.
Here we are moaning and groaning about bad energy policy. The story is an old one. America doesn't produce oil enough to meet her own demand. Not many do.We could produce more, but Democrats and their allies manage to block all attempts to try. They demand that we try alternatives. Solar, electric, and Wind.
The Chicago Tribune had a little story about Windmills on 5-31. The proposed CAPE WIND PROJECT, and lots of them in the Midwest, have been put on hold by some powerful politicians and they're using the FAA to do it.
Leading the charge, or I should say Hold, Sen. Ted KENNEDY and his nephew Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Yah, The environmental lawyer and activist. They support turbines everywhere else, just NOT IN THEIR BACKYARDS.
REASON; "It'll spoil the ocean veiw, Threaten the tourist economy, and might endanger migratory birds".
Spoil the ocean view? Where do these people come from? The project was moving forward, so they got a republican ally to add an ammendment to a military spending bill. Just one sentence directing the Defense Department to STUDY whether Wind Towers interfere with the Radar signal of small aircraft.That was it. Everything stopped. Done. Fini. NADA. Both the FAA and the Air Force had already signed off on the projects.
Opponents say there are legit concerns. They point to a British Govt. study that found rotating turbine blades could interfere. I guess they forgot about the part that stated Developers SOLVED the Problem by installing new software at the Radar station and realigning some radar towers.
That's not good enough for Ted & Co. tho. New construction has stopped. One's that are in operation already, can continue even tho they are WITHIN SIGHT of RADAR SYSTEMS.
President Bush is out there trying to encourage more of it's use, saying Wind Power could supply 20% of our power. Quickly too. Imagine not having the enviro problems we have with coal and nuclear technology.Horizon Wind Energy, the company that was going to build the Wind farm on 50 square miles of land here in Illinois, agreed not to do any harm to anything. From subsidizing cable TV, if there are reception problems, to repaving the roads when construction is done. Not to mention the jobs. They thought that getting the permit would be the easy part. HAH!!!
The Good News; Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois says that we can't continue without that report, GOOD or BAD in a Timely manner. Of course that was about a year ago. These Senators KNOW that this is way down on the list, because the Department has other things on it's mind. So, NO windmills.
I guess they're worried about Sen. Green Jeans's, OOP's I meant, Sen. Ted Kennedy's PRIVATE JET disappearing off the RADAR screens.