A Wake-up Call?
All this time we've been hearing movie stars and others talk about leaving the U.S. for Canada and a better way of life. A couple of people have, but noone of any consequence. I really wish they would tho. Then we could get a 1st hand account about what it's like to live in a country where the Government can LEGALLY spy on you. They have their very own spy agency(CSIS) to spy on their very own people. Imagine that.
Wikipedia has this description: MISSION- "The people of CSIS are dedicated to the protection of Canada's national security intrests and safety of Canadians". CSIS does NOT have an active foreign intell department, but SOLELY acts as a DOMESTIC service to collect intell with the goal of protecting from internal and external threats. CSIS officers and surveilance personnel may work internationally,in their effort to monitor and counter threats to Canadian security.
CSIS states it's role Programs that are Pro-active and Pre-emptive, to investigate threats, analize info, produce intell reports, and advise the Canadian Gov.
Two different commissions, 1 by Justice MacKenzie in 1969 and the other by Justice McDonald in 1977, recommended that security intell functions be seperated from the RCMP and that a civillian service be formed. Both commissions recognized that the problem of balancing the need for accurate security intell with the need to respect democratic rights and freedoms couldn't be adequately resolved as long as security intell responsibilities remained part of the federal police force.
I can only imagine the Grief we'ld hear from our friends on the left if the U.S. was doing that.
Maybe it's time we woke-up to the fact that People out there want to KILL us.
You can read a full report titled " How Internet Monitoring Sparked a CSIS Probe" by clicking here.
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