Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Collins; " Were they the best men for the job?"
Chicago Water Dept. #2 Donald Tomczak; "No. They were active in my political group and did a good job." Testimony from the trial of Robert Sorich and other directors of the " Mayors Office of Intergovernmental Affairs".
Tomczak ran one of the biggest city-based political armies (250 men) and was one of the highest ranking city officials involved in the scandlous "Hired Truck Program". That program was touted by the Mayor as good for Chicagoans, altho he didn't specify which ones exactly. The idea was to give his cronies a lot of Tax Dollars for renting their trucks. Like we don't have enough. Some of them were caught Stealing and Selling city-owned asphalt instead of delivering it to city work sites. Tomczak admitted recieving about $400,000 in bribes himself.
The directors of the "Mayors Office of Inter governmental Affairs"said which pols got their help. The troops were divided into 3 groups. Black, White, and Hispanic because "the areas we worked in were diverse. We needed groups to go in and talk to various people."
They took orders from Sorich, Victor Reyes(head of Hisp. Dem. Org.) or John Doerrer. Some of the pols they helped recently are Al Gore-pres., Glenn Poshard-gov. , Rahm Emanuel-cong., Patricia Bailey-Il house, Iris Martinez-Il. senate, alderman, and on.
After elections he'ld go to his superiors and discuss who did good political work, and get them a promotion. He said their status was evaluated on pricinct by precinct election results. Those comments echoed testimony by Dan Katalinic who led White Ethnics in the Streets and Sanitation Dept., and Mary Jo Falcon who coordinated Asian workers in the Sewer Dept.
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