Thursday, May 25, 2006

Let the "FIRE SALE" Begin

I've been emailing Sen. Dick Durbin, from the great state of Illinois, about Immigration. The 1st reply he sent back was a real Song and Dance. A sick and sorry excuse for Spitting in the eye of the American Taxpayers and Citizens. I just wish I would have kept it so I could give you his reasons. obama didn't even bother to reply.
I sent dick another email (5-24) with my response to his, and got another reply.

He said he could see I had really strong views, and would keep that in mind while he made his decision.

Well it didn't take long. When I came home today (5-25) and heard the news, I was dumbfounded. At the last minute sen arlin specter (Pa) added an ammendment that would allow ILLEGAL ALIENS to qualify for the "Earned Income Tax Credit". He wasn't alome. The co-sponsers were sens.ed kennedy (Ma), john mccain (Az), chuck hagel(Ne), sam brownback (Ks), mel martinez (Fl), and lindsey graham (SC).

That's in addition to everything else they did today. Here's a taste.
AGREED: aliens entitled to E.I.T.C.
limit of 650,000 immigrants per year
REJECTED: LIMIT on those entitled to E.I.T.C.
sunset on #H-2C visas of 5 years after enactment.

If you go to the link provided, you can see "WHO DID WHAT AND WHEN DID THEY DO IT". Click Roll Call Tables and click spector ammend. # 4188.

Our senate. Wnat a symbol of strength. All that huffing and puffing about "Border Security". What a joke. Too bad it's a sick one ON US.



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