HOMEGROWN TERRORISM in CANADA? I can't believe the reports coming in. Whooaa!!!! Surely you jest. 12 adults and 5 young adults, all Canadian citizens, arrested on suspicion of planning a series of attacks in Ontario targetting their most famous landmarks. Nothing in the U.S.A. tho. Looks like their liberal policies are going to payoff for them. They sure showed us. Maybe now they'll wake-up.
Reports are they were fairly far along in planning and training. Al Queda inspiration goes along way. I believe that one of Bin Laden's hire-ups, Ahmed Qatar, who was killed in Pakistan, was called by him "Al Canadi", the Canadian, and then there's the Millenium Bomber.
Thank God Steve Harper is there, but I'm sure they will still find a way to blame the U.S. for this.
In the famous words POGO uttered, " We have met the ENEMY, and it is US". Our liberal ideas and policies have gotten us where we are today. It goes back to the 50's& 60's, when the terrorist bombings first started.
These terrorists were blowing up Cairo, Damascus, Beruit, you name it, Then fleeing to the U.S., Canada, and European countries seeking political asylum, claiming that they would be tortured and killed if they were sent back where they committed their attrocities.
We ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE of the world said, "You're Right, you can stay here. Never mind the FACT that you blew 500 or 600 of your fellow citizens to smithereens. Those people will never understand why you had to blow-up their MOTHERS, FATHERS, SISTERS, and BROTHERS, they might hurt you, don't worry . We'll protect you from those BARBARIANS".
Now I guess they've decided to repay our understanding and generosity the only way they know how.
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