Saturday, May 27, 2006

Storms on the Horizon

Well, well, well, here we are, another hurricane season upon us. The French knew the area was unsuitable for building back in the 1600's, but they built New Orleans anyway. We've been fixing it and it's been flooding eversince. Already we're hearing the usual headhunting rumbling in the hallowed halls of congress. The Army Corps of Eng., cheap republicans, stc. We never hear the real reasons tho.

Congress itself. Appearantly completely incompetant throughout history. For the last 100 years, Congress has been using all it's wisdom trying to reengineer nature, for our benefit ofcourse. The built the dykes, dams, locks and canals that led to todays problems. They wrote the legislation, wrote the rules, and OK'd the plans. When failure comes tho, they circle the wagons and pick off a few. They never seem to be at fault.

The part that gets me tho, is they think the American People did it. I expect them to Really study the situations and if there is nothing they can do, they should say so. For years our congresses (fed., state, local), have forged ahead with THEIR vision. If the electorate complains, SO WHAT.

When we see costal destruction, homes and towns wiped put by fires and floods, you have to ask WHY were they allowed to build there in the first place? It's not like it's the 1st time natural forces have done their handiwork in those areas. It's been happening for centuries, and they know it. They wanted the MONEY. Instead of telling people the truth, they wanted and took the MONEY. They love to get those tax dollars so they can blow it on their "Bridges to Nowhere.


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