Happy Memorial Day
This morning (Fri.) I got up feeling OK. Nothing great or bad. After my 1-1/4 hr. ride to downtown Chicago, I parked in the lot, and by the time I got across the street, I had a smile on my face. Not because T.G.I.F. either.
The sky was blue, sun rising, it was going to be a beautiful day. It wasn't until I noticed the barricades up that I remembered. Memorial Day Weekend. I thought back to the old days and smiled as I thought about all the guys I met and served with (some real goofballs Ha,Ha) and some of the good times we had. I remember my 1st day in country, but I'm a little foggy on the last. Probebly because I was WASTED.
Now a days, it almost seems like I wached a movie or something. A long time ago in a place far, far away to borrow a phrase. I feel like I went into a period of suspended animation or something. I guess it was easier because the guys who I grew-up with and went, all came back OK. Even the ones who were Jarheads (Ha,Ha).
But, we all know that wasn't the case for everyone. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.
I started to think about the founding of our own country. Born in WAR. Four years of bombings, sniping, unlawful arrests and interrogation, Indian raids, road-side bombings, and I'm sure, drive-bys or carrige-bys or something. Did I leave out hostage taking? Then the turmoil of writing the U.S.Constution for 11 years,(in a smoke-filled back room) must have caused extreme anxiety to say the least.
Enter the Civil War and the incredible violence and sacrifice it brought, all in the name of holding the United States together. Afterall it's those fallen soldiers who are responsible for this day. It started in 1868 as Decoration Day. The ancient Greek symbol of death the "Poppy" came years later.
Thank God they did it then, because I seriously doubt that we could pull it off now.
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