Why is ENGLISH such a difficult language?
A great bebate raged in the Senate last week, and most probebly don't even know what it was about. Our elected elites, preened and posed, and sweated . That's the day Sen. Kennedy went bonkers. Yes, No. Yes, No. Agonizing arm-twisting hours passed, but the debate went on.
The Question you ask? Is it racist to make "ENGLISH", our official language here in the good ole U.S.A. I could hardly believe it. Our Senators DON'T KNOW if we should all be able to communicate in "INGLEZ". Thankfully, I don't have to be embarrased because the Senators from Illinois think that they should atleast be able to read stop signs in english. We'll see what the conference committee dreams up. I feel like we just turned into Canada or something. Every year or so, it seems like Quebec wants to form it's own country. Is that what we're in for if we end up with a section of the nation that speaks another language?
Last time I checked, the Declaration and Constitution were written in, well, ENGLISH. It's a good thing too, otherwise I'ld have to learn another language. Besides, I thought that was all decided over 200 years ago. Talk about the need to learn AMERICAN HISTORY. I know where to start.
Back in 1907, Congress passed a law requiring people to speak the language. Not many people could read or write anything back then. In 1954 Congress spoke again. The requirement was to be able to speak, read, and write. Different times? Don't know. Was it racism then? Who knows.
All I know is, noone seems to have any trouble counting their change, no matter what language they speak.
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