Wednesday, June 07, 2006

More Joe

As usual, the subject of Iraq came up Sunday. Here's a guy that's hardly even been on a military base, and he knows more about running the war and military ops than some general that's trained his whole life for it? When he was asked about a war plan, all he did was go on about Geo. Bush losing the war. Nothing about a plan on how the Democrats would win it. Just CUT, RUN, and BLAME the PRESIDENT, Repubs., or the "NEO-CONS".

I remember the number of soldiers KIA (200 per week)in V.N., Mi Lai, Hanoi Jane, and our hero John Kerry.

Listening to Kerry, Mertha, Biden, et. al., I'm reminded of Viet Nam all over again. Back then we had a congress that thought they knew more about winning the war than the generals also. We all know what that led to. 150,000 American KIA and wounded.

But Sen. Joe Biden knows what to do.


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