Thursday, April 16, 2009

Who's to Blame for the Tea Parties? Obama or the Congress

First off, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out why that loony DHS report was released. Anything to divert attention from the protests, right Rahm? I've lived in Chicago for 45 years, I think I've seen almost all off the tricks Chicago dems have up their sleeves.

But to the point, I think both have contributed. Obama let Nancy and Harry ram through some pretty hefty spending bills, and they went crazy. They loaded them up with pork, I guess because Chuck said we don't care, and now it's blowing up in their faces. I think all Obama had to do was veto the last $340 billion dollar spending bill and he would've been alright now. Dems tried to defend it as last years business, making it even all the more acceptable to veto, but no one's buying it.

People aren't stupid and they know what's coming. Higher taxes. The money isn't laying around in the basement. It had to be borrowed.

I watched MSNBC and those commentators (Kieth, Rachel, Chris, Ed) and they just won't admit the truth. Try as they may, no one said anything about being a flaked out repub. The didn't want to cover the runnup, and now that it's all over the place, trying to change the story. Did you see that CNN reporter in Chicago? Even Nancy P. says so. But I know she's not that stupid. She's hoping this will blow over by the next elections. She knows they have 18 months or so to come up with a strategy to mollify the masses, or make them forget.

One problem is they played the Rush card to soon. Now all they have left is Bush, Rove, and Cheney. They've been griping about them for 2 years now and sooner or later it just isn't going to work for them anymore. People get tired of hearing the same old song and dance.

All I know is, if dems keep going the way they have been, there'll be some new faces in congress next year. Just ask Harry what's up. Their antics may even cost Obama his job.


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