Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Poor Harry. The supreme court upheld a law that he voted FOR. Him and 17 of his democratic pals. They all voted for the Partial-birth Abortion ban without an exception for the health of the woman.

I would've thought that he wold be proud of the accomplishnent. Congress passes a law that passes constitutional muster and he's mad? In 2005 they fully supported it. He tried to blame the justices on the supreme court. Wished Sandra O'Connor were still around.

My guess, noone in the congress knows that the remedy is right there in front of them. All they have to do is AMMEND the BILL. But, I can appreciate the democrats dilema. They would have to actually "Speak Up" and "Go On Record". Can't have that. They figured the supreme court would get them off the hook.

There's the real problem. This court seems to be willing to judge the constitutionality of the laws congress writes. They aren't going to do their dirty work anymore.

Imagine that. Congress actually legislating. Don't worry though, I predict that with rules like that, Nothing will get done. Nobody there has the guts to do anything, except complain about nothing getting done.

Lots of important things to debate here in the U.S. Social Security, Medic-aid, the big Illegal Alien May Day marches, and noone there seems to notice. They may have noticed, but aren't willing to talk about any of it. As usual, just Bush and Iraq. Nothing about the plight of those unfortunate women, the over-burdened American Taxpayer, nothig. The silence is deafening. Why? Just because they'll have to go on record?


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