Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I Wrote a Letter to Senator Durbin

Dear Senator Durbin,
I heard on the news that you and the future leader of the senate, Sen. Harry Reid, were in the So. America Andean countries, but you'll both be back for Former Pres. Ford's funeral. What were you doing down there?
Channel 7 news reportsd that the Andean countries are pushing for even greater access to the U.S. market and about our mean-spirited immigration policies. Is that true? Now that the democrats are in charge, are you there to give away more American jobs? Are you there to complain about American-made products being shut out of their markets? (not likely)
Then there's this immigration thing. Are you and the future majority leader of the senate demanding or even asking that those nations improve the standard of living for their own people so they can earn a decent living at home in their own countries? Are you and the future majority leader of the senate just nodding your heads in agreement with them, That we mean-spirited American Taxpayers need to understand and reach out and give comfort and aid to the millions of Illegal Aliens that broke-in to our counry, stole S.S. numbers, lied on applications, and contributed to driving down American wages?
I heard that both you and the future majority leader of the senate will be coming back for the funeral, so I'm eagerly looking forward to your press confrence on how you laid down the law while you were there. I'm sure that the
American People can't wait to hear how you saved their jobs and wages too.
Thank you for your time.
P.S. The Iraqi commission pretty much endorsed the Bush plan for Iraq. When I heard the commission say "stay the course", "train more Iraqi troops", "we should leave when they're ready to takeover", I expected to hear some complaints from democrats congress that it was George Bush light, but the democrats loved it. Why, I guess because George Bush didn't say it this time. Joe Biden was the only one to complain, and that's only because they didn't think his plan was any good. What a waste of time, energy, and taxpayer dollars.
Oh ya, one more thing, another Increase in the Murder rate here back at home in Chicago. I know that you were out of the country, so I just wanted to let you know that 466 Chicagoans were Shot, Stabbed, Clubbed, Beaten, and/or Burned to death in 2006. It was reported on Channel 7 News this morning. They didn't give a figure on the wounded though.


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