Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Bright Side

Just got over the worst cold I've had in some time. There's so much going on that I don't know where to start.

I can't believe how fast Illegal Immigration fell off the radar screen. I'll bet they're Really happy in Washington. I haven't heard anything from our senators here in the Great State of Illinois. Til today that is. It's probebly because our Congress hasn't done anything since Aug. 3.That's when they decided to build a Whopping 370 miles of Fencing along our southern border. It's a real deal at a cost of about 1.8 BILLION Dollars. 370 miles, why even bother. There are Illegal Aliens flooding across the border according to all the news reports. On Fox news they reported a 16% increase in overall immigration. Half of them are reportedly Illegal.Approx. 18,000,000. Immigration bills are languishing in both House and Senate. Neither party thinks they can do anything untill After the elections so they're hoping that they won't have to deal with it until during the campaign.

Just another Slap in the Face to the American People, to quote Harry Ried, except this time, He's doing the slapping.

I think it's time to throw the bums out, as the saying goes. Our esteemed leaders in Congress haven't done anything to help the Beleagered American Taxpayer, except add pork to our appropriation bills. They just love to spend our tax dollars, while they sit on their asses looking smart and important. I guess we should just call it what it really is, "POSING". Our elected officials don't care how many Illegal Aliens flood into the country. They all got a big fat raise this year, and that's all they care about. They just know their jobs won't be taken by Illegal Aliens or Outsourced, although they should be. More would probebly get done. What a sweet deal they've dealt themselves over the years.

Well we heard from the honorable Sen DickDurbin today. Here in Chicago, Illinois, we have our very own Illegal Alien holed up in a Methodist church,claiming "Sanctuary", no less. The church is Adalberto United Methodist church in our Humbolt Park neighborhood. Elvira Arellano is defying a deportation order. She was a cleaning woman at O'hare Int. airport. She was picked-up in 2002 during an immigration sweep to secure our Airports after 9-11. She was using a False S.S. number and had been previously been deported, but broke-back in Illegally.

Our home state senator, Sen. Dick Durbin and others of his ilk, urged the Dept. of Homeland Security to let her stay in the country to take care of her son, who just happens to be a U. S. citizen. I guess he was accidentally born here in the U.S.

Quote Sen. Dick Durbin "It's an unfortunate truth that scores of people are in the same situation as Elvira and her family. We cannot remedy the Injustices of this system with private bills for everyone. Only Comprehensive Immigration Reform can remedy the situation". That sounds to me like our esteemed senate has their minds made up.

Screw the American Taxpayers. More unearned Medi-care, more unearned earned income tax credit, more unearned S.S. benefits, more unearned unemployment for Illegal Lawbreaking Aliens.

But then you have to look at the bright side. We are going to get something out of this afterall. The U.S. taxpayers get to PAY for it all.

Read the article;,1,3848429.story?coll=chi-homepagenews-utl.


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