The Big Immigration Breakthrough?
Well today, one of my senators, Dick Durbin, is off to Gitmo, to check on the health and welfare of the Terrorist detainees. We had about 7 people gunned down here in Chicago over the weekend, and Sen. Dick Durbin went to Gitmo. After all we can't have terrorists suffering. How does that make us look, or feel?
Illegal Aliens are streaming across our border, but Dick Durbin went to Gitmo. Can't say anything about Obama, because we never hear anything about him, except that he's "presidential material".
Tonight on Lou Dobbs, one of his guests was Rep. Mike Spence(R-Ind.), who came on the show with an explaination of a possible Breakthrough in the Immigration standoff.
Boy, did it Suck. It almost sounded to me like the "Will of the Senate" warmed-up all over again. He wants to seal off the border for a couple of years before letting people line-up at "Ellis Island Centers" outside of the country to apply for Green cards, work visas, or whatever. I can't wait to see where they set-up these "Ellis Island Centers". What a name. Then when the Dept. of Homeland Insecurity certifies the borders are secure in about 2 years (huh?) it'll probebly be business as usual again. Congress wants to get to WORK and set-up a guest worker program. A Secure Border in only 2 years? They must think that the American People are real Goofballs to fall for that one. It's been 6 mos. since we were going to get 2,500 troops to help on the border, but so far all we've managed is 900, and they didn't even make it all the way there yet.
I keep hearing on the news about all the states passing laws to make Illegal Aliens Illegal again. What a concept. 27 so far and Colorado is in play right now. City and town leaders are finally doing their duty. That's to Protect the American people from invasions.
I still haven't heard anything about cracking down on employers yet and holding them accountable. Just like our congress is so fond of telling us about, but only when it has to do with someone else, not them ofcourse.The fastest way to get rid of Illegals is to go after their employers. We won't have to deport anybody. Once the jobs go away, they'll go home or maybe Canada. Maybe they'll even demand their Human Rights back in their own countries. They shouldn't have much trouble protesting there, after all they're pretty good at it here in the U.S.
I just had to Email Spence, Durbin, and Obama tonight to let them know what I thought of the New Breakthrough, not that it will do any good. I just keep getting the same old B.S. about how they are going to take my opinions into consireration. Then they invite me for coffee and donuts if I'm ever in the capitol. Not from Barak Obama though, he just doesn't reply at all. I never get anything back from him.
Did I mention Sen. Dick Durbin went to Gitmo today to check on the saftey of the Terrorists?
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