Sunday, July 09, 2006

I Wonder Why

What a day this is turning out to be. My son watching a program about global warming and all the talk about the "DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC of KOREA". (There's an oxymoron for you.) I don't know where to start.

Let's try global warming, again! Yes the earth is warming and sea levels are rising. As far as I can tell, and from what scientists are saying, it's been like that for the last 15,000 or 20,000 years. Back then the Midwest was buried under 1 1/2 mile thick sheet of ice. Back then noone lived here. I can only imagine how many species have been killed off in all those eons. Millions.

Noone ever wants to talk about what started global warming 20,000 years ago. My son tells me that scientists drilled out ice cores that go back 2,000 years and they show earth is warming up. My question is, 'Why didn't they drill down to 25,000 or 35,000 years ago'? The sad truth is that the earth was getting colder and they don't want to tell anyone that. The Earth has weather cycles. Duh! I find it hard to believe that Indians, or even cavemen, would have been able to burn enough WOOD to get the CO2 ball rolling.

But you never know, maybe they were "environmentally conscious" and didn't cut down old growth forests. Maybe they all caught fire at the same time, from a lightning strike or something like that flooding the atmosphere with CO2. Just like the giant fires we're having, this and every year here in the U.S.A. Instead of admitting Bad management, we say global warming. I hear that they are having floods in Colorado now in the areas that were burned out last year. I think mother nature is telling us to clear out the old stuff in the forests or she'll do it for us and we humans probebly won't like the results. I think it's time for the powers that be to WAKE-UP. But I'm sure that "More rain because of global warming" will be blamed and not bad management.

The only thing that can explain the warm-up, 20,000 years ago, is increased Solar activity. Let's get real here. What else could it be. There were No cars, power plants, jet airplanes, or anything else. Only ice and lots of it. Oh yah, and some trees around the equator.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard a quick report on some of the temperature observations on the planet Mars. They've been watching the planet for atleast 25 years now, and the scientists reported that the temperature is Rising. Imagine what a revelation like coming out in public could do to some causes. It was on FOX News, and I never heard it again on that or any other channel. It sounds to me like noone wants that report released to the general public. I wonder why?


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