Wednesday, July 05, 2006

More Hard Congressional Work

Well, what a suprise. Congress is holding hearings to ask a bunch of activists what the "American People" think about Illegal Immigration. If it wasn't so expensive, I might laugh about it. Atleast the House hearings seem to have some credibility to them. They atleast went to where the problem is.

The Senate is another matter. It looked like only 2 of our esteemed senators even bothered to even show up. Arlen and Ted. You know who's side they're on in this game they're playing on the "American People". The jokes on us, but I don't get it.

Today we heard the Mayor of New York City say that New York City would go belly-up if they didn't have Illegal Aliens there. I could hardly believe my ears. Wall Street-Gone. The Bronks- devestated. Long Island and Park Ave. mansions- all being sold off in a fire sale for $25,000, just to unload them. I find that premise laughable. NYC looking like an old west ghost town, just because a bunch of Illegal Aliens had to go back to their own Homelands.

Next, we heard from the Agri-business lobby. Prices for our products might go up. That's the funniest of all. Since when has the Agri-business lobby ever worried about anything but their own profits? Milk here in the Chicago area, The Midwest, is $4.00 a gallon. What's it going to do, go up another $0.25 a gallon more? Let's face it, prices can only go up so much before they start to kill off their own businesses. I also think that will drive executive pay packages down considerably, because they'l have to show cost savings somewhere.

There will be some turmoil for a while, but it'll work itself out like it always seems to, despite what the nay-sayers say.

NO congressional work done in the chambers for the lsst couple of days. Probebly ecause they had to Jet around the country for the hearings.


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