Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Back to the X's

Poor Cynthia. She struck out and is singing the blues. I listened to some of her consession rant, and I don't think she missed blaming anybody or anything. I had to laugh when I heard someone quip that it might have been people with finger nails that were to long, hitting the key above first.

She singled out the voting machines. I wondered if they were those dastardly Debolt machines we've heard about. If not, then we have a cabal of manufacturers out there trying to steal elections. I wonder if you can order republican only, or democrat only vote stealing machines.

I always thought that it was those mean republcans that stole votes from democrats. Here it turns out to be the democrats stealing votes from their fellow democrats. There's a switch.

Before you know it, we'll be marking X's on ballots again. That is if anyone can remember how it was done. It seems to be the only thing we can do.


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