Congress and Stem Cells
Here goes our congress to save us again. Our scientists and the congress are going to bring us the next " miracle drug". Stem cells. There seems to be a small problem tho, and no-one wants to talk about it. But our elites in Washington are on the case.
I'm almost 57 and I've seen some "miracle drugs" come and go. Let's look at some.
I grew up during the Atomic Age, and the new "miracle drug" was Radiation. It was going to kill All the Bad Germs and cure cancer. We were told that mankind would live to be 150 years old. Well they are still using the procedure with, let's say mixed results.
Next we had Anti-biotics. We were told back then that the new "miracle drug" would cure cancer and everything else. Mankind would live to ripe old age of 150-175 years old. Now our scientists tell us that WE blew it, by over proscribing. We either took too much or not enough, depending on who you talk to. A lot of diseases are resistant now.
Then when my kids were born the " miracle drug" was umbilical cord blood. The cell part didn't come until later. Scientists were falling all over themselves with predictions of how wonderful life was going to be. They were going to cure cancer and everything else, Again. Mankind would live to a ripe old age of 175 years. It's been 30 years and I would have thought that by now our scientists would have more to show for the effort.
Now it's Stem cells. They're going to cure cancer and everything else. Well they have been workung with them for 15-20 years now and aside froma few positive results, so far as we know, I heard on Wisconsin Public Radio, that some of the expirements are being stopped. I heard that some of the people who've recieved treatments are developing tumors and cancer. Yes, it's pretty hush hush. Nothing in any newspapers about it. They can't tell which stem cells are good and which are bad. All this time I was led to believe they were all good. That' what our congress said. That's what scientists tell us on TV everynight. I feel like I'm not getting the whole truth, so I can make an informed decision.
I guess it's always that way when you have people with an agenda, like congress and scientists. Sometimes I think they would get alot more done if they just told us the whole truth. All they ever want to tell us is 75 or 80% of the story. Why people don't believe them is completely over their heads. If they were just upfront about whatever, we really could decide. Put the question on the ballot. If the American People think it's a good idea, they'll say so loud and clear when we vote. Congress will never let that happen tho, because they're afraid to take a chance. I mean what if the "Will of the People" clashes with the "Will of the Senate"? Then it's a real pain in the butt for them. Then they have to figure out a way to B.S. us into thinking they're on our side, when in reality they're stabbing us in the back, Again.
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