Who's got the Balls ?
Atleast the Israeli's have them. They aren't afraid to defend themselves. They aren't worried about fighting a politically correct war. It's to bad that it doesn't rub off on some of our own pols like Senators Barak Obama and Dick Durbin.
I can remember back in the 80's Hezbollah was the Al Qaeada of the day. When the word Hezbollah was uttered, ears perked up. Everybody listened. They knew that for the most part, it meant trouble.
It's time to stop screwing around with these guys. The Israeli's are right. The only thing that the Islamists seem to understand is killing. That's all I ever hear when they are interviewed. How to and how many to Kill, God willing.
When we hear radical Islamic leaders say that they can afford to loose 10 troops-1 you have to know they don't care who or how many. The leaders are all in hiding so what does that tell you? That they don't value Human life except their own. Their militarization, basically from childbirth, combined with suicidal brainwashing are truly frightening.
All the complaining about the Israeli occupation, and when they finally leave the Palestinians start shooting rockets into Israel. I would have thought they would have danced in the streets. But that's just me.
These people are Nuts. It reminds me of the North Koreans. There is no-one to negotiate with. We've seen it time after time, and president after president. How many peace accords do we need and have to see broken before people wake-up? It doesn't work. I don't think they really know what they want in the first place. They just seem to have to kill people to justify something or other. What that is, is beyond me.It's not like they don't alrady have a homeland. They do. It's called Lebanon. 90% of the population there is Palestinian.
There really isn't much the U.S. can do. Personally I think Pres. Bush should be sending a couple of Aircraft Carrier battle groups over there for support.
But we ain't got no balls.
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