What Comes to My Mind
Sen. Dick Durbin returnned from Gitmo today and guess what? He thinks that we should close the place down and the prisoners set loose on the rest of the world. But, and only but, if we guarantee their safety, ofcourse. He doesn't want them to suffer. Some of these places won't even take them back. What are we supposed to do? Set them loose here in America, because we didn't read them their Miranda Rights? I would have thought he would think about it a little but more than on the plane ride back.
After the Tokyo attacks, London Bombings, Bali Bombings, Madrid Bombings, the World Trade Center, and Pentagon, Phillipine Bombings, and most recently the Bombay Bombings, you might have thought that even he could see a pattern, aside from them all being on the 11th.
Not Sen. Dick Durbin. He's a man of steel. Full of convictions ( there were 2 more KIA in the Chicago area again last night) . But those poor terrorists, they need the protection of the U.S. Senate and #2, Sen. Dick Durbin is there to make sure they are protected.
Never mind the small fact that they're Cold Blooded Killers. I should say Natural Born Killers. You can't blame them, it's the way they were raised. Since it started so long ago, around the 50's, it seems to be all they know and all they'll ever know. We've all seen the video's of 10 yr. old Palestinian kids, marching around with their bandannas and little toy machine guns. Training. We've all seen and heard about the Madrassas, from here to Timbuktoo and what they preach. Training.
They're training the next Generation of Suicide Killers right now. We get to fund it too! Where do you think our foreign aid goes?
All over the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Malasia, Canada, India, and Kashmir. These people never seem to tire of endless bloodshed. On and on and on, ad infanatum.
A couple of old sayings come to mind, and seem to be as true today as they were then. One is "No good deed goes unpunished". Back in the 50's, terrorist leaders were hunted down by their police, so they fled to the west seeking political asylum because of their fear for their own lives. We here in the West were enlightened. We said don't even worry about the 500 or 1000 of your fellow Countrymen you blew to smithereens, and granted their requests. I think our generocity is coming back to haunt us Big Time.
The other saying is, " Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it". I sure hope that we don't have to go through that 60's anti-war B.S. again.
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