Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What About Us?

Well, I took a little vacation up in No. Minnesota to go fishing, and now I'm back. The local newsstations don't have coverage like we do here, so I didn't see very much. From what I have seen since I've been back, I sure didn't miss much.

I see the Isreali's and Hezbollah are still at it. I can also see that the U.N. is still at it. What a joke. 26 or 27 days and they are incapable of doing anything.

One thing I did like tho, was the idea of the French taking the lead on any security ops in Lebanon. Good! It's about time that someone elses troops become the targets. The French are supposedly buddy-buddy with the Arabs and they think they can broker the deal. Let them.

Before I left, I heard Sen. Joe Biden on TV, complaining that the U.S. wasn't taking the lead in the ops. This guy is famous for saying that our troops always end up being the main targets in any situation. In Iraq where we took the lead, he complains about our troops being the main targets of the insurgency. Now he wants to put our troops in harms way by putting them in-between the Israeli's and Hezbollah. What does he think, our troops won't become the targets there? That guy is something else. I realized back in '69 that there were people who wanted to kill Americans, but Joe doesn't seem to get it yet.

The thing that suprises me the most tho, is the coverage the scurmish is getting. It dominates the news. Although I think Israel is right in what it's doing, I'ld still like to hear how our OWN troops are doing, and if they're safe MORE.


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