Honesty the Best Policy
Well, well, well. It looks like the ACLU has bought their own judge. I shouldn't say that they bought her, it's more like she bought into them and they took advantage of the deal. Looked around in their records until they found her. What luck, huh? Sure wish I could do that. There are a few parking tickets I'ld like to have taken care of.
I remember the day she published her ruling on the case. All I heard on the liberal news stations and commentators, was how the Bush administration would FINNALLY have to come clean and abandon their efforts to protect the American People. They were jumping up and down with glee. Now it's been exposed for what it really is. Just another Democratic Partasan attempt to Corrupt the court system. Boy did that blow-up in their faces in a hurry.
All these years of tring to tarnish the Bush admin, and they're still at square one. I guess that they'll never give up. After having their cases shot down in 5 judicial districts, they decided to try and cheat with a sixth.
Last night I heard a comment about how long the Bush tenure was. They tried to make it sound like a lifetime appointment. The only lifetime appointment I know of is for federal judgeships. I think we've got a lot tp worry about. I never really realized how many or how bad that Democratic nominations are. Looks like we are going to get a real education on them over the next few years. It'll be interesting to see just what lengths that the Democrats wil go to.
The best part is that they aren't even apologetic about the affair. Some are still trying to use her ruling as a real Victory for truth, justice, and the American way.
I can only imagine the Uproar if a Republican tried to pull off a stunt like that. It would be never ending on every station in the world.
That's the difference between Republicans and Democrats.Republicans Honestly bring lawsuits and Democrats are willing to do anything to get their way. Bill Clinton did the things he was accused of. George Bush did the things he's accused of, except he was doing it in the name of National security.I don't think it's a bad idea to liten in on Al Qaeda's phone calls. Afterall they did manage to stop the bombing of the Brooklyn Bridge, no matter how much Democrats want to say otherwise. The bombing of the American air carrers was foiled by NSA wiretaps. Who really knows what else has been stopped. We won't find out for another 20 or 30 years or so.
Maybe if the Dems were a little more Honest they would be able to do something. They just don't seem to get the fact that people are tired of all the B.S. in Washington. As bad as the republicans look, democrats look worse because they Lie about so many things. It's about time that they all realize that honesty is the best policy.
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