Revisions. Looks like they're going to be the order of the day. I find it hard to believe the Democrats are complaining about the film being released. All this time they've been talking about the truth being presented to the public and here's their chance. But as everyone knows there are 3 sides to the Truth, and I assume that this isn't the side they wanted released. Poor Dems. I'll bet they never thought that this stuff would never see the light of day. They must've thought they had everyone buffaloed into believing they had nothing to do with 9-11. But with everything in the public record, it's hard to hide. So, their only recourse is to try and discredit the truth, or get the story killed. They chose Smear the TV station.
Ben-Venista and Dick Clark are out there in front leading the charge. I'm sure that if the subject comes up on the Sunday Talk Shows, the chorus will be loud and shrill. The network already knuckled-under and changed a scene iin which "Sandy" Burger declined to give an order to kill bin Laden. The station also changed the stories' description, from docudrama to deoiction. What's up with that? So it seems that we won't be seeing the Whole Truth ot even the Truth, just a watered down version of events Pleasing to Democrats.
I'll bet Madeline is really upset. She is so good at trying to keep the focus on the Bush admin, but now it looks like she'll have to defend her own inaction. I cann't wait to hear the B.S. the former Sec. of State is preparing to spew.
Even former V.P. Al Gore will get a chance to explain what happened. However I don't expect to hear anything but the standard mantra about Bush failures. He will be covering his ass tho. Probebly won't be able to shed much light on the subject because he was out of the "loop".
Yesterday the newspapers wrote the Bill himself was leading the charge for change, but today it claimed that Doms and bloggers and Progressive groups are behind it. looks like all their complaining is beginning to have it's desired effect.
Revise History Now, before to many people find out the Real truth.
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