A Reminder from "The King"
The Iranian problem reminds me of the words to an old Elvis song. "We're all shook-up, uh huh huh, ya ya ya, all shook-up". Having said that, I said before, that we should be using all means at our disposal to defeat the current Iranian regime. It's time to do what Ronald Regan did to the Soviets. When he said " Mr. Gorby, Tear Down this Wall" I felt like it was our finest moment and was damn proud to be an American that day.But Ronald didn't just say it, he had the GUTS to go out and do it.
Then when he went to Rykovick, and turned down the "Russian Offer" on missles, the whole world went Bonkers. All the "Elite Brain Surgeon Know-it-alls" predicted WW3 was right around the corner. Ya, everybody was going to start bombing everybody the very next day. Ha Ha Ha. Boy, did the Know-it-alls Blow that one.
It's time to start flooding the Iranian dissidents Millions of Dollars to foment as much internal rabble rousing as we possibly can. I can't understand what our leaders in Washington can possibly be thinking. Russia collapsed shortly after we really got down to business. It's time to bury those cockroaches NOW. The same should go for the Chinese and the DPRK. Of course, the latter will be tougher, because Kim is killing off as many of his own people as he can already. He doesn't care. He's doing one hell of a job too. The Chinese are a Little more concerned about their image though, atleast it seemed that way, judging from the Chinese reaction in Switzerland. I really got a laugh hearing them Loose it and tell the US to "SHUT-UP". I'm still laughing about it. For a minute there, I thought they were going to have a heart attack. I can't help but think of Bugs Bunny whenever I think about it. " Sha-dap". They need a little payback.
It's time to flood the air-waves with Pro-democracy propaganda from as many TV and radio stations as we can. Not in 2 or 3 weeks, but NOW! We all know that there will be those learned members of congress who'll fight Bush tooth and nail, just like they tried to with Ron Regan. Some of them just don't get it at all. You gotta fight fire with fire. Just like our forest fire fighters do. There'll be more predictions of WW3 and the like, but as we've seen before it "Ain't gonna happen". They'll be to busy fighting off their own people. They used to call it people power back in the 80's.
It's time to tell the world our intentions and "JUST DO IT". Message and Money works everytime.
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