Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oil Production and Democrats Go Hand in Hand

I've noticed a few things since the dems took control of congress with their "mandate" in the last election. Out of all of them, the one that sticks out most in my mind, are food and gas prices. Since democrats came to power, everything has doubled and tripled in price. Did the "People's party" do it for the benefit of large U.S. corporations they rail against? Is that the Progressive agenda? Go Green and kill off whole populations of people and destroy ecosystems worldwide so that we don't have to drill for oil here? Sounds like a plan.
Just today on the news, it was reported that members of congress were going to see Pres. Bush and DEMAND that he go to the Saudiis and DEMAND that they increase oil production. HUH?
Here in the good old U.S. of A., we have billions of untapped barrels of oil in Anwar. But don't drill there. Caribou.A couple of weeks ago, news stations reported the discvery of billions of more barrels under Montana, S. Dakota, stretching all the way into Canada. But don't drill there. It's been known for decades that there are trillions of cubic feet of natural gas under the western states. Don't drill there.
Instead of DEMANDING everyone else increase production, maybe democrats should open up those areas for oil drilling. Ya think? But, we're going green. Hooray.
A few months ago, the Saudiis announced that they were going to increase production, and oil futures dropped for 2 days. After markets realized that they couldn't actually do it, they started to go back up.
Imagine if our congress actually opened up the fields. I think prices would drop like a bomb. Fast and Hard, decreasing our dependance on the foreign oil congress likes to complain about.
Then there's the complaint about windfall profits and what to do about them. (Never mind the small fact that the insurance industry, and others earns about 30 times as much.) The fastest and probably best way to reduce windfall profits is to DRILL for oil. DUH.
But dems in congress aren't interested in that. They wouldn't have anything to complain about except for that old standby, George Bush, and he'll be gone soon.
I guess we just have to face the fact that congress and big industry are all in bed together.


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