Sunday, February 08, 2009

Obama and His Foreign Policy

Obamas' actions so far leave me wondering if we're going to be gettig another "Peace Dividend" like the one Bill Clinton gave us after Ronald Reagan won the cold war. That one gutted our spy angencies and military and probebly led directly to all the intell falures on Iraqi WMD, not to mention the lame response to the murders of our citizens.
Only 2 weeks in office and already we're finding out about secret back-door meetings with foreign leaders, all the while telling the American People "there's only one President at a time". Talk about sending mixed messages, being open, and transparent.
The rest of the world sure doesn't seem to be concerned about anything that Pres. Obama might do.
Putin got his new buddies to close access to an airbase that we used to resupply our troops, but now says he's willing to use his powers of pursuation to help us out. But he said that needs a sweetener, I think congress calls them, to help him make the sale. Just give-up on NATO and missle defense.
Pakistans' high court released A. Q. Khan from his terrible imprisonment. Now that Bush is gone and Obama and the dems. are in charge, they must've figured the poor guy suffered enough at home. He's now free to go about business as usual, I guess.
President Obama wants to close Gitmo. It's a laudable goal, but there's no plan to relocate them or try them anymore. Charges were just dropped on some of them even after they've admitted their own guilt. I heard reporst on the news about family members going there to watch the proceedings and the perprtrators laughing at them. I'm sure it's all for the good of the nations "image in the world".
But wait, now the new administration wants to come up with some kind of tribunal to handle the cases. Didn't we just go through that exercise with a congressionally approved tribunal?
Irans' busy shooting off missles and telling us they don't like the new ambassador, and we don't even have one named yet. That shouldn't be a suprise, they didn't seem to like the names of our badmitton team either. It'll be interesting to see if the Obama admin. goes through with nominating Dennis.
India and Pakistan. Where do you start?
The vice-president predicted the new admin would be tested early and people are amazed at his accuracy. Duh.
I'm willing to go out on a limb and make a prediction myself. I predict that in 4 or 8 yrs., whenever we get a new president, they'll be tested early in their administration.
Anybody amazed?


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