Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama's Greening of America

Well now that Pres. Obama signed the "stimulus" bill, the recovery is underway.I watched all the hoopla about going to Denver to sign the bill because of the "greenness" in the package. Not one news person asked about it.

First I watched our VP Joe Biden fly in in his own plane. Then a few minutes later the President arrived aboard AF-1, as he should, and that was just today. Never mind their barn-storming the country for the last couple of days. I find it hard to believe that they need to be apart when traveling, but not when they are together in large gatherings for hours. History has shown us that they're much more vulnerable to attack and harm when they're in a crowded area. But, there they were, all smiles and glad-handing, limos running and at the ready.

Congressional leaders were absent on stage, but it wasn't because they didn't want to take some credit, or that they were trying to save taxpayer dollars. They were almost all on junkets. Nancy Pelosi is off flying around Italy on her AF jet. Berlisconi could have told her "no" on the telephone, or sent her a fax. Dick Durbin, senator from the Great State of Illinois, is off to Turkey. Burris, democratic appointee by the Rodster has his own problems here in the Great State of Illinois. I don't know if anyone outside of Chicago saw it, but, Burris sure was in a hurry to get into the house when he got home here. Others are elsewhere. I'm sure you get the picture. Wonder how much these carbon credits are going to cost us when they get rolling.

Anyway, back to the "green". I have a funny feeling that the burden of "going green" and "energy conservation" is going to fall in one direction. Ours.


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