Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obamas' Stimulus ?

The "stimulus bill" is really starting to look bad. Aside from the fact that it's really an $850 billion bill, with all the extra add-ons we get, most isn't spent. If road construction is the proof, I don't see were it's done anything. Illinois tollway fees were doubled last year, and besides around here there's atleast 3 roads torn up every year. Year after year, every spring, summer, and fall Chicagoans sit in construction zones for hours. We even get to pay extra if they finish a little early because winters bad enough. Of course, they're never really done, they still only have to block off small parts of the roads for stripping and stuff like that. Just minor inconvieniences they're called.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're fixing them, but after already paying trillions of dollars in local, county, state, and federal taxes, why do we have to pay again? Where did the money go? Besides, the money congress alotted is miniscule in comparison the the size of the bill.

I had to chuckle when I saw the President roll out those 29 or so police officers and then again when Joe Biden did the same whereever he was. The press fawned over the good deed they did. But, all the feds did was foot the bill for hiring them. I'm sure the citizens of those communities could've done that for themselves. That is if they wanted to pay more in taxesfor their salaries, health care, and pensions. It seems to me that the majority in those communitees didn't want to pay more in taxes. They're going to pay more taxes now though wether they wanted to or not, thanks to the President and vise-president.

It was nice to see that there was enough money allotted for the mayors, alderpersons (pc), governors, and all the rest of government to keep there jobs though. I mean, what would we do without them.

Me personally, I think we need to stimulate the economy by downsizing government. For example, here in Chicago, there are 50 alderpersons each making $110,000 per year with a $90,000 expense account. That doesn't take in county govt. and all the rest of the dead weight. I'm sure we'd all be just fine with half as many.


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