Sunday, March 18, 2007

Broken Army

All this chatter about the army being broken. It's starting to sound like this "volunteer army" thing isn't really going to work to me. Atleast not at these levels. It's also starting to sound like we're in real trouble. Looks like congress really blew it on the size army America really does need. They got carried away with the "Peace Dividend". Another failure of congress to adequately Analyze and equip our military. What will we do if we have to field a million soldiers in a confrontation with say China? In today's environment I can't see that happening.

I was listening to an interviews on the radio with people who were at the peace rally yesterday. One interviewee said that she heard about a woman that was severely traumatized at seeing a police officer spray pepper-spray in someones face. That the poor woman reported that she would have a very long recovery from PTSD, of all things. If that's to much for the populace to handle, we're in real trouble. We won't be able to stand-up to anyone.

The WWII generation really is turning out to be the greatest generation. Our soldiers managed to come back home, after years of horrific combat, ignore PTSD and everything else, and still build the country into what it is today. It seems like they performed a heroic feat. Certainly better than our generation or the next, seem to be willing to do.

What is America going to do?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

What About Us?

I watched Rep. Maxine Waters on Fox News Sunday this morning (3-11-07) and she looked and sounded like a nervous wreck. The democrats don't want to have to deal with Iraq in 2008 and are desperately trying to figure a way out. She seemed to be as flustered as Nancy gets. I think that it's starting to reach critical mass. Mike had to stop her a couple of times and remind her that she wasn't answering the questions he was asking. At times, she just seemed to rattle on.

On of the parts I liked was when she said WE caused the civil war. She said that the Iraqis' all got along wonderfully while Sadam was there and in charge. I don't think I have to give reasons why. I found it hard to believe she said it, and even harder to believe that some people really do believe just that.

Yes, democrats are desperately trying to find the right way to say "Cut and Run". If this war drags on, they will have to deal with it. How are they going to say "Bush lost the war" then? They'll have to come up with their own ideas about whether to win it or loose it on their own. Ha, ha, ha.

Things don't look promising though. Even members of their own party aren't committed to Nancy, Maxines', or Harrys' ideas, let alone, 60 members.The left wing of the democratic party isn't going to like that either. The days of a simple majority are over in the senate. If democrats think that they will get re-elected for trying, they may be in for a surprise. Newt actually enacted legislation that passed in the senate.

It's to bad the dems are devoid of any ideas on how to win this thing. I would have thought that a party so worried about the children, would come up with something that would spare them the job in the future. Farther ahead than 2 years. All I ever hear is that al Sadr, Iran, and the Sunnies don't want us there.

The So. Koreans don't want us there. The No. Koreans don't want us there. The Chinese don't want us there. The Japanese don't want us there. The Okinawans' don't want us there. The Russians don't want us in Europe. Even the U.N. doesn't want us in N.Y.C., investigating things like the "Oil for Food" program, or the new "U.N./ATM" scandal that's going to get going. Now the U.N. is going to have to hire another ex-somebody to try and paper the deal over and try and make it look legit and shut everybody up.

Sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade, and admit the truth. NOBODY wants us around. They're just looking for another hand-out. Bushs' trip to So. America proved that. All we heard was that the U.S.A. wasn't paying enough attention to them. None of that seems to register with dems though. Nancy, Maxine, and Harry are just looking for power.