Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Big Brother and the Holding Company

The Europeans are up in arms about the U.S. wanting to know ahead of time, who's coming. The European court said that their respective govts. don't have the right to give out that info. They think Big Brother is spying on them. Today I ran across a little item that might intrest some.

It's about the British Police. They forced more than 3000 of it's citizens, it branded as "HOOLIGANS", to turn in their passports 30 days prior to the World Cup being held in Germany.

In addition, their keeping a "BIG BROTHERLY" eye on them at home too. They have to register at the Police Station EVERYDAY that Briton has a game.

That's not enough? Get this; They're maintaining a computerized database, patrolling departure lounges, and CHECKING AIRPORT PASSENGER LISTS. The ACLU and the newspapers would have a field day with this one.

I would have posted this sooner, but our electric was out when I got home. I'll talk about that tomarrow.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Why is ENGLISH such a difficult language?

A great bebate raged in the Senate last week, and most probebly don't even know what it was about. Our elected elites, preened and posed, and sweated . That's the day Sen. Kennedy went bonkers. Yes, No. Yes, No. Agonizing arm-twisting hours passed, but the debate went on.

The Question you ask? Is it racist to make "ENGLISH", our official language here in the good ole U.S.A. I could hardly believe it. Our Senators DON'T KNOW if we should all be able to communicate in "INGLEZ". Thankfully, I don't have to be embarrased because the Senators from Illinois think that they should atleast be able to read stop signs in english. We'll see what the conference committee dreams up. I feel like we just turned into Canada or something. Every year or so, it seems like Quebec wants to form it's own country. Is that what we're in for if we end up with a section of the nation that speaks another language?

Last time I checked, the Declaration and Constitution were written in, well, ENGLISH. It's a good thing too, otherwise I'ld have to learn another language. Besides, I thought that was all decided over 200 years ago. Talk about the need to learn AMERICAN HISTORY. I know where to start.

Back in 1907, Congress passed a law requiring people to speak the language. Not many people could read or write anything back then. In 1954 Congress spoke again. The requirement was to be able to speak, read, and write. Different times? Don't know. Was it racism then? Who knows.

All I know is, noone seems to have any trouble counting their change, no matter what language they speak.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Happy Memorial Day

This morning (Fri.) I got up feeling OK. Nothing great or bad. After my 1-1/4 hr. ride to downtown Chicago, I parked in the lot, and by the time I got across the street, I had a smile on my face. Not because T.G.I.F. either.

The sky was blue, sun rising, it was going to be a beautiful day. It wasn't until I noticed the barricades up that I remembered. Memorial Day Weekend. I thought back to the old days and smiled as I thought about all the guys I met and served with (some real goofballs Ha,Ha) and some of the good times we had. I remember my 1st day in country, but I'm a little foggy on the last. Probebly because I was WASTED.

Now a days, it almost seems like I wached a movie or something. A long time ago in a place far, far away to borrow a phrase. I feel like I went into a period of suspended animation or something. I guess it was easier because the guys who I grew-up with and went, all came back OK. Even the ones who were Jarheads (Ha,Ha).

But, we all know that wasn't the case for everyone. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

I started to think about the founding of our own country. Born in WAR. Four years of bombings, sniping, unlawful arrests and interrogation, Indian raids, road-side bombings, and I'm sure, drive-bys or carrige-bys or something. Did I leave out hostage taking? Then the turmoil of writing the U.S.Constution for 11 years,(in a smoke-filled back room) must have caused extreme anxiety to say the least.

Enter the Civil War and the incredible violence and sacrifice it brought, all in the name of holding the United States together. Afterall it's those fallen soldiers who are responsible for this day. It started in 1868 as Decoration Day. The ancient Greek symbol of death the "Poppy" came years later.

Thank God they did it then, because I seriously doubt that we could pull it off now.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Storms on the Horizon

Well, well, well, here we are, another hurricane season upon us. The French knew the area was unsuitable for building back in the 1600's, but they built New Orleans anyway. We've been fixing it and it's been flooding eversince. Already we're hearing the usual headhunting rumbling in the hallowed halls of congress. The Army Corps of Eng., cheap republicans, stc. We never hear the real reasons tho.

Congress itself. Appearantly completely incompetant throughout history. For the last 100 years, Congress has been using all it's wisdom trying to reengineer nature, for our benefit ofcourse. The built the dykes, dams, locks and canals that led to todays problems. They wrote the legislation, wrote the rules, and OK'd the plans. When failure comes tho, they circle the wagons and pick off a few. They never seem to be at fault.

The part that gets me tho, is they think the American People did it. I expect them to Really study the situations and if there is nothing they can do, they should say so. For years our congresses (fed., state, local), have forged ahead with THEIR vision. If the electorate complains, SO WHAT.

When we see costal destruction, homes and towns wiped put by fires and floods, you have to ask WHY were they allowed to build there in the first place? It's not like it's the 1st time natural forces have done their handiwork in those areas. It's been happening for centuries, and they know it. They wanted the MONEY. Instead of telling people the truth, they wanted and took the MONEY. They love to get those tax dollars so they can blow it on their "Bridges to Nowhere.

Friday, May 26, 2006


Senator Dick Durbin. Statesman and orator extrordinaire. A man among men, standing tall in the face of monolithic outside pressure, blah, blah, blah.

Too bad it's all directed against the AMERICAN CITIZENS he represents in the state of Illinois. In my reply from him, he mentioned weighing the concerns of all his constituents and cited stats. I can't imagine who he's talking about. Everytime I listen to the news or anything the topic turns to ILLEGAL ALIENS. I watch Washington Journal on C-SPAN whenever I can, and when that's the subject, almost every call is about Sealing the Borders. Even during the viewer call-in part after a guest,I'ld say the calls run 1-25 AGAINST anything except Sealing the Border. Nothing about Visas or Paying Back Taxes (another joke on us) or anything else.

I can hear the shill from ted and dick and john already. About how they were just poor ILLEGALS who got ripped off on their way to BREAK-IN to OUR country. Or that they're just poor ILLEGAL ALIEN MIGRANTS who can't afford it and we're so rich, and on and on. Then we have to get to the "UGLY AMERICAN" part, and then the Americans who are just "TOO STUPID" to see and understand the benes of adding 100 million NEW "BRAIN SURGEONS" to our countries population at a cost atleast 54 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.

If all that doesn't work, they can always say the Republicans are doing it.

Me, I guess I fall into the "TOO STUPID" catagory. I mean, dick durbin chose another course. I don't get it. No matter how much I GOOGLE, I can't find the data the elite senator from Illinois is refering to.

Maybe I'm on the CHINA site, and don't realize it because I'm "TOO STUPID"!!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Let the "FIRE SALE" Begin

I've been emailing Sen. Dick Durbin, from the great state of Illinois, about Immigration. The 1st reply he sent back was a real Song and Dance. A sick and sorry excuse for Spitting in the eye of the American Taxpayers and Citizens. I just wish I would have kept it so I could give you his reasons. obama didn't even bother to reply.
I sent dick another email (5-24) with my response to his, and got another reply.

He said he could see I had really strong views, and would keep that in mind while he made his decision.

Well it didn't take long. When I came home today (5-25) and heard the news, I was dumbfounded. At the last minute sen arlin specter (Pa) added an ammendment that would allow ILLEGAL ALIENS to qualify for the "Earned Income Tax Credit". He wasn't alome. The co-sponsers were sens.ed kennedy (Ma), john mccain (Az), chuck hagel(Ne), sam brownback (Ks), mel martinez (Fl), and lindsey graham (SC).

That's in addition to everything else they did today. Here's a taste.
AGREED: aliens entitled to E.I.T.C.
limit of 650,000 immigrants per year
REJECTED: LIMIT on those entitled to E.I.T.C.
sunset on #H-2C visas of 5 years after enactment.

If you go to the link provided, you can see "WHO DID WHAT AND WHEN DID THEY DO IT". Click Roll Call Tables and click spector ammend. # 4188.

Our senate. Wnat a symbol of strength. All that huffing and puffing about "Border Security". What a joke. Too bad it's a sick one ON US.


America the Beautiful?

America the Beautiful. Has a lovely ring to it, don't you think? Too bad, it doesn't seem to be that way anymore. America the Dumping Ground is more like it. It all started in the 60's. I was a teenager then, and I remember our democratic elites who controlled congress then, thought America's britches were to big. We sold our American Made products around the world and even to the Army. The elites couldn't have that, so our congress in all it's wisdom, passed some new laws. The elites back then thought it would only be fair to let EVERBODY have a crack at us.

Boy, did they. The Japanese were first, dumping cars and electronics on us. Everyone else in turn followed suit.

I guess that the rest of the world must have run out of things to send. Now they're down to dumping PEOPLE on us.

Where are the ENVIRONMENTALISTS now?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Teddy Kennedy "RAILING"

I had the pleasure of watching teddy kennedy go bonkers on the senate floor today (5-24). I thought he was going to start spitting any moment. He was in a tirade about a Republican ammendment that he said would lower wages for ILLEGAL ALIENS and treat ILLEGALS "SOO SHABBILY". I thought that I was going to puke when I heard it.

He sure doesn't give one good damn about how "SHABBILY" he or the other 74 are treating the U.S. Taxpayers.Actually I think "SOO SHABBILY" is too kind a word, for the CONTEMPT that the senate has for us.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

"With All My Might"

Sunday morning (May 21) C-Span had an interview with the very liberal ( as far as I'm concerned) Wally Marshall. He was there talking up his new book " With All My Might". This is a progressive strategy for the democratic takeover of congress, talking points, etc. It actually seemed to be a collection of articles put together in book form.

But anyway, one of the "stories" was about how the BENEFITS of winning the "Cold War" were squandered after "WE" won the "Cold War". I'm getting older now, and I may be a little fuzzy on this point, but didn't the "democrats and the whole world" declare that Ronald Reagan completely blew it, and we would be going to start World War 3 because of U.S. intransigence on SDI (Star Wars)?

For some reason I've got it in my head that democrats and the whole rest of the world fought Pres. Reagan (and told him how stupid he was)on our military build-up every step of the way, that is until the Berlin Wall came a tumbling down and the "Soviet Union" de-unionized.

"WE" might have squandered the "benes", but "WE" didn't win the "Cold War".

President Ronald Reagan did!!!

Silver-bullets for IED's

The other day while watching Lou Dobbs, a comment was made about Don Rumsfeld saying that there was no silver-bullet for IED's. I remember a newsreport about the Army having developed a lasar device that could detect certain kinds of IED's. That device was bacically rendered ineffective, because the story was leaked and printed in the press, and the arming of the devices changed.

And here we are all worried about poor Valarie Plame, a CIA opperative who had to come back to the U.S., BECAUSE THE RUSSIANS WERE ON TO HER(that's the secret part) and blew her cover to all of their friends.
The early newsreports were that everyone in her neighborhood knew she drove her shiney new Jag to Langley.

Where's all that congressional hand-wringing(and investigating) when you really need it?

Americans in Harms Way

The other nite on the news, I watched 1 of our senators from the great state of Illinois, Dick Durbin, profess his grave concern for the welfare and safety of our Soldiers who were "IN HARMS WAY". He seemed DISTRAUGHT over the 2500 KIA and the wounded since the war began.

I commend him for that. Being a vet, the numbers seem incredibly low from what I remember. We were loosing atleast 250 and sometimes 400 and even 500 a week.

I have to wonder though, does he know about the 2500 citizens of the city of CHICAGO, (in his own state), that have been GUNNED DOWN, STABBED, CLUBBED, BURNED, and HACKED TO DEATH here since the WAR BEGAN? Hell, last year, we had GUNMEN break into a sitting JUDGES HOME and GUN DOWN HER PARENTS. Sound familiar? And that's only 1 city. It seems the answer sadly, is NO. I can't remember the last time he, or anyone else for that matter, mentioned it.

I don't want to seem cold-blooded, but atleast our soldiers have bodyarmour and are armed to be able to peotect themselves. Not to mention, trained and expecting it.

God bless our soldiers and bring them home safe.

NSA Wiretaps

In the words of the late, great Harry Carry, "HOLY COW".

The NSA is getting phone numbers without names. Big deal.

A couple of years ago,the great state of Illinois was selling our (the citizens) personal info thro the Sec. of States office to any goofball that had 50 cents to pay for it. They were so PROUD of their idea, and even bragged about how it was a good way to keep holding down taxes.

The elites in the "hallowed halls of congress" don't seem very upset about the fact that our personal info has been LOST, STOLEN, and SOLD to and by seemingly everyone for years and all of a sudden now they're upset because the NSA is collecting our numbers?

The only problem I can see is that I'll have to ADD them to my "NO CALL LIST".

You'ld think that noone ever heard of the IRS or a phonebook.

What do we do with our Prisoners?

Lately there has been alot of grief about the poor prisoners that have been captured on the battlefield. Guantanamo and the "BLACK SITES" seem to get the most attention. The WHOLE world is up in arms and there seems to be only 1 recourse. I suggest that we explain to our european "allies", that in light of the fact that the detainees may be subjected to TORTURE and DEATH, the only responsible thing to do is release them to countries thwat we know respect human rights, like France, Germany,Spain,Italy, etc. Who knows, maybe even Canada (stranger things have happened).

Then and only then, will we Americans be able to hold our heads high, and sleep peacefully in the knowledge that our european brothers are protecting EVERYONES rights. (He he.)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My plan to get our voices heard in Congress too

We all saw the great May Day parades on TV. Illegal Aliens marching to have their voices heard by the Elites in the Hallowed Halls of Congress. A day wihout illegals, if that don't beat all.

I had CLTV News on and they were in downtown Chicago interviewing layed-off LEGAL American construction workers. They chose that day to job-hunt, because they thought they would have a better chance of finding one because the ILLEGALS were exercising OUR (not theirs) LEGAL RIGHT to have their voices heard, because they can't do that in their own "Homelands", be it from Mexico to Timbuktoo, by our elites in the hallowed halls of congress.

Then it came to me. We should adopt the same tactics that ILLEGAL ALIENS use. But American.

What we need is "A day with ILLEGAL ALIENS". American citizens should just stay home. Take a day off.

OBJECTIVE; To deprive ALL FORMS of govt. ( Fed., State, County, Cities) any revenue. No rallies. No Marches. No Speeches. Don't drive (no tix and we'll build up gas supplies). Don't shop or go to the show or anything. Just stay home. BBQ with the fam, or whatever. I think we should do it 1 day a week, or maybe have a nice 4 day weekend every other week for a few months.

MAYBE then the elites MIGHT start to listen to the LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS, who put them there, they profess to care so much about. You'ld think that with their poll numbers, they'ld listen, but....

I can't wait to hear the elites and talking heads tell us how the ILLEGAL ALIENS kept the economy afloat.

The time to ACT IS NOW, BEFORE the elites give it all away.