Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Reminder from "The King"

The Iranian problem reminds me of the words to an old Elvis song. "We're all shook-up, uh huh huh, ya ya ya, all shook-up". Having said that, I said before, that we should be using all means at our disposal to defeat the current Iranian regime. It's time to do what Ronald Regan did to the Soviets. When he said " Mr. Gorby, Tear Down this Wall" I felt like it was our finest moment and was damn proud to be an American that day.But Ronald didn't just say it, he had the GUTS to go out and do it.

Then when he went to Rykovick, and turned down the "Russian Offer" on missles, the whole world went Bonkers. All the "Elite Brain Surgeon Know-it-alls" predicted WW3 was right around the corner. Ya, everybody was going to start bombing everybody the very next day. Ha Ha Ha. Boy, did the Know-it-alls Blow that one.

It's time to start flooding the Iranian dissidents Millions of Dollars to foment as much internal rabble rousing as we possibly can. I can't understand what our leaders in Washington can possibly be thinking. Russia collapsed shortly after we really got down to business. It's time to bury those cockroaches NOW. The same should go for the Chinese and the DPRK. Of course, the latter will be tougher, because Kim is killing off as many of his own people as he can already. He doesn't care. He's doing one hell of a job too. The Chinese are a Little more concerned about their image though, atleast it seemed that way, judging from the Chinese reaction in Switzerland. I really got a laugh hearing them Loose it and tell the US to "SHUT-UP". I'm still laughing about it. For a minute there, I thought they were going to have a heart attack. I can't help but think of Bugs Bunny whenever I think about it. " Sha-dap". They need a little payback.

It's time to flood the air-waves with Pro-democracy propaganda from as many TV and radio stations as we can. Not in 2 or 3 weeks, but NOW! We all know that there will be those learned members of congress who'll fight Bush tooth and nail, just like they tried to with Ron Regan. Some of them just don't get it at all. You gotta fight fire with fire. Just like our forest fire fighters do. There'll be more predictions of WW3 and the like, but as we've seen before it "Ain't gonna happen". They'll be to busy fighting off their own people. They used to call it people power back in the 80's.

It's time to tell the world our intentions and "JUST DO IT". Message and Money works everytime.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Honesty the Best Policy

Well, well, well. It looks like the ACLU has bought their own judge. I shouldn't say that they bought her, it's more like she bought into them and they took advantage of the deal. Looked around in their records until they found her. What luck, huh? Sure wish I could do that. There are a few parking tickets I'ld like to have taken care of.

I remember the day she published her ruling on the case. All I heard on the liberal news stations and commentators, was how the Bush administration would FINNALLY have to come clean and abandon their efforts to protect the American People. They were jumping up and down with glee. Now it's been exposed for what it really is. Just another Democratic Partasan attempt to Corrupt the court system. Boy did that blow-up in their faces in a hurry.

All these years of tring to tarnish the Bush admin, and they're still at square one. I guess that they'll never give up. After having their cases shot down in 5 judicial districts, they decided to try and cheat with a sixth.

Last night I heard a comment about how long the Bush tenure was. They tried to make it sound like a lifetime appointment. The only lifetime appointment I know of is for federal judgeships. I think we've got a lot tp worry about. I never really realized how many or how bad that Democratic nominations are. Looks like we are going to get a real education on them over the next few years. It'll be interesting to see just what lengths that the Democrats wil go to.

The best part is that they aren't even apologetic about the affair. Some are still trying to use her ruling as a real Victory for truth, justice, and the American way.
I can only imagine the Uproar if a Republican tried to pull off a stunt like that. It would be never ending on every station in the world.

That's the difference between Republicans and Democrats.Republicans Honestly bring lawsuits and Democrats are willing to do anything to get their way. Bill Clinton did the things he was accused of. George Bush did the things he's accused of, except he was doing it in the name of National security.I don't think it's a bad idea to liten in on Al Qaeda's phone calls. Afterall they did manage to stop the bombing of the Brooklyn Bridge, no matter how much Democrats want to say otherwise. The bombing of the American air carrers was foiled by NSA wiretaps. Who really knows what else has been stopped. We won't find out for another 20 or 30 years or so.

Maybe if the Dems were a little more Honest they would be able to do something. They just don't seem to get the fact that people are tired of all the B.S. in Washington. As bad as the republicans look, democrats look worse because they Lie about so many things. It's about time that they all realize that honesty is the best policy.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Bright Side

Just got over the worst cold I've had in some time. There's so much going on that I don't know where to start.

I can't believe how fast Illegal Immigration fell off the radar screen. I'll bet they're Really happy in Washington. I haven't heard anything from our senators here in the Great State of Illinois. Til today that is. It's probebly because our Congress hasn't done anything since Aug. 3.That's when they decided to build a Whopping 370 miles of Fencing along our southern border. It's a real deal at a cost of about 1.8 BILLION Dollars. 370 miles, why even bother. There are Illegal Aliens flooding across the border according to all the news reports. On Fox news they reported a 16% increase in overall immigration. Half of them are reportedly Illegal.Approx. 18,000,000. Immigration bills are languishing in both House and Senate. Neither party thinks they can do anything untill After the elections so they're hoping that they won't have to deal with it until during the campaign.

Just another Slap in the Face to the American People, to quote Harry Ried, except this time, He's doing the slapping.

I think it's time to throw the bums out, as the saying goes. Our esteemed leaders in Congress haven't done anything to help the Beleagered American Taxpayer, except add pork to our appropriation bills. They just love to spend our tax dollars, while they sit on their asses looking smart and important. I guess we should just call it what it really is, "POSING". Our elected officials don't care how many Illegal Aliens flood into the country. They all got a big fat raise this year, and that's all they care about. They just know their jobs won't be taken by Illegal Aliens or Outsourced, although they should be. More would probebly get done. What a sweet deal they've dealt themselves over the years.

Well we heard from the honorable Sen DickDurbin today. Here in Chicago, Illinois, we have our very own Illegal Alien holed up in a Methodist church,claiming "Sanctuary", no less. The church is Adalberto United Methodist church in our Humbolt Park neighborhood. Elvira Arellano is defying a deportation order. She was a cleaning woman at O'hare Int. airport. She was picked-up in 2002 during an immigration sweep to secure our Airports after 9-11. She was using a False S.S. number and had been previously been deported, but broke-back in Illegally.

Our home state senator, Sen. Dick Durbin and others of his ilk, urged the Dept. of Homeland Security to let her stay in the country to take care of her son, who just happens to be a U. S. citizen. I guess he was accidentally born here in the U.S.

Quote Sen. Dick Durbin "It's an unfortunate truth that scores of people are in the same situation as Elvira and her family. We cannot remedy the Injustices of this system with private bills for everyone. Only Comprehensive Immigration Reform can remedy the situation". That sounds to me like our esteemed senate has their minds made up.

Screw the American Taxpayers. More unearned Medi-care, more unearned earned income tax credit, more unearned S.S. benefits, more unearned unemployment for Illegal Lawbreaking Aliens.

But then you have to look at the bright side. We are going to get something out of this afterall. The U.S. taxpayers get to PAY for it all.

Read the article;,1,3848429.story?coll=chi-homepagenews-utl.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Back to the X's

Poor Cynthia. She struck out and is singing the blues. I listened to some of her consession rant, and I don't think she missed blaming anybody or anything. I had to laugh when I heard someone quip that it might have been people with finger nails that were to long, hitting the key above first.

She singled out the voting machines. I wondered if they were those dastardly Debolt machines we've heard about. If not, then we have a cabal of manufacturers out there trying to steal elections. I wonder if you can order republican only, or democrat only vote stealing machines.

I always thought that it was those mean republcans that stole votes from democrats. Here it turns out to be the democrats stealing votes from their fellow democrats. There's a switch.

Before you know it, we'll be marking X's on ballots again. That is if anyone can remember how it was done. It seems to be the only thing we can do.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What About Us?

Well, I took a little vacation up in No. Minnesota to go fishing, and now I'm back. The local newsstations don't have coverage like we do here, so I didn't see very much. From what I have seen since I've been back, I sure didn't miss much.

I see the Isreali's and Hezbollah are still at it. I can also see that the U.N. is still at it. What a joke. 26 or 27 days and they are incapable of doing anything.

One thing I did like tho, was the idea of the French taking the lead on any security ops in Lebanon. Good! It's about time that someone elses troops become the targets. The French are supposedly buddy-buddy with the Arabs and they think they can broker the deal. Let them.

Before I left, I heard Sen. Joe Biden on TV, complaining that the U.S. wasn't taking the lead in the ops. This guy is famous for saying that our troops always end up being the main targets in any situation. In Iraq where we took the lead, he complains about our troops being the main targets of the insurgency. Now he wants to put our troops in harms way by putting them in-between the Israeli's and Hezbollah. What does he think, our troops won't become the targets there? That guy is something else. I realized back in '69 that there were people who wanted to kill Americans, but Joe doesn't seem to get it yet.

The thing that suprises me the most tho, is the coverage the scurmish is getting. It dominates the news. Although I think Israel is right in what it's doing, I'ld still like to hear how our OWN troops are doing, and if they're safe MORE.