Monday, September 11, 2006

The Negotiator Cometh

9-11 is here and it seems like everyone has ssomething to say or gripe about or both.I had to drive my girlfriend to work, so I had a chance to listen to WNPR for a while. I like Public Radio although sometimes I have to turn it off, because they have some real loonies on their shows. The callers are off in lala land too.

Naturally today the talk was about 9-11, the war on terror, and Iraq. All these years the answer has been "Bush lied" and "we need to get other countries involved". Now the mantra is "Negotiate".

I've looked at those questions, and all I can say is that the Whole World Intell community was in Agreement on Iraq. Every Intell agency in the Whole World agreed that Saddam had WMD, as inconvenient as that may be. I can't believe that anyone with 1/2 a brain can still possibly thinks that anyone is going to help us. Al Qeada has convinced everyone except Blair and Bush not to go against them. Just take an honest look at what happened in Madrid.

That only leaves "negotiate," but negotiate what? Islamists and Democrats say we have to change our foreign policy in the middle east. To what? They complaign that we support bad governments like the Saudi's and Kuwait.Those people aren't free like we are here in the USA, but they can drive, Vote in some cases, listen to music, watch movies and tv, travel, and they are loosening up their societies. How many hundreds of years did it take for women to get the right to vote here in the "free" world?

That's the part I don't get. Are we supposed to Negotiate away those advances, however meager they are, for a Taliban-like Regime? How many lashes are allowed under the "Geneva Convention" for not wearing a Burka? 5, 10, 20? Should they be shot for leaving the house without a male escort? Is that what we Enlightened people in the West are supposed to "negotiate"? I don't ever recall ever hearing about the Taliban letting the Afghans vote for anything at all. I can only remember seeing on TV the Afghans being beaten, stabbed, and shot dead at old soccer fields for Disobeying their rules. In Somalia were the Islamic Courts took over the country, the Islamist Defenders of the Faith went aroud Killing people for watching a World Cup soccer game on TV, in the name of God though.

Am I really to believe that if we don't support those Middle East govts. and let the Taliban-tyes loose on the population, that the Arab street is going to love us and rejoice? I tend to doubt it. They hate us now, and it's better than its ever been. I can only imagine what they'ld do if we made it worse.

It's time for anyone with 3/4's or more of a brain to start using them, Wake-up and Smell the Coffee as the saying goes.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Revisions. Looks like they're going to be the order of the day. I find it hard to believe the Democrats are complaining about the film being released. All this time they've been talking about the truth being presented to the public and here's their chance. But as everyone knows there are 3 sides to the Truth, and I assume that this isn't the side they wanted released. Poor Dems. I'll bet they never thought that this stuff would never see the light of day. They must've thought they had everyone buffaloed into believing they had nothing to do with 9-11. But with everything in the public record, it's hard to hide. So, their only recourse is to try and discredit the truth, or get the story killed. They chose Smear the TV station.

Ben-Venista and Dick Clark are out there in front leading the charge. I'm sure that if the subject comes up on the Sunday Talk Shows, the chorus will be loud and shrill. The network already knuckled-under and changed a scene iin which "Sandy" Burger declined to give an order to kill bin Laden. The station also changed the stories' description, from docudrama to deoiction. What's up with that? So it seems that we won't be seeing the Whole Truth ot even the Truth, just a watered down version of events Pleasing to Democrats.

I'll bet Madeline is really upset. She is so good at trying to keep the focus on the Bush admin, but now it looks like she'll have to defend her own inaction. I cann't wait to hear the B.S. the former Sec. of State is preparing to spew.

Even former V.P. Al Gore will get a chance to explain what happened. However I don't expect to hear anything but the standard mantra about Bush failures. He will be covering his ass tho. Probebly won't be able to shed much light on the subject because he was out of the "loop".

Yesterday the newspapers wrote the Bill himself was leading the charge for change, but today it claimed that Doms and bloggers and Progressive groups are behind it. looks like all their complaining is beginning to have it's desired effect.

Revise History Now, before to many people find out the Real truth.

The Labor Day March

We just had a bunch of illegal aliens march through Illinois last weekend, for Labor Day, and noone cared. They marched from Chicago to the home of House Speaker Dennis Hastert. The Illegal aliens are positioning themselves to influence the legislation that's going to be passed after the elections. That's when we will be sold out by the Elites in Washington. After all, who knows best? Us or the Elites, like for instance, Sens. Dick Durbin and Barak Obama from Illinois. They don't really care if MY wages are increased, they're only concerned about raising the wages of Illegal Aliens. They proved that last week.

Ya, we Legal American Citizens, just sit around like bumps on a log hoping that something will happen, or maybe the problem will just go away. If this keeps up, the Illegal aliens, who've broken-in, stolen S.S. numbers, and undercut everyones wages, Will win the battle for the "Hearts and Minds(?)" of our Elites in Washington.

I really thought that all the talk about raising the Minimum wage would've gotten people talking, but alas. I can't believe that noone sees or wants to state the obvious, that wages would sky-rocket the day after Illegal were unemployed. I can remember in my lifetime and it wasn't that long ago, when it was college kids looking for college money took all those jobs. But our Elites in Washington are trying to convince us that they won't do that work anymore.

Now we're getting news stories about Investigative reporters being attacked in California. Stories of news stations being attached by Pro-Illegal Immigration groups. How much more abuse are our "elected" elites in the Hallowed Halls of Congress in Washington going to submit us to before they decide to take the kind of action the American People are demanding? It's unbelievable. Imagine telling your boss that he'll have to wait on a project because it's too hard to deal with and that you want to see if your contract is going to be renewed first. Do you think you'ld last more than 10 minutes? Well that's exactly what our Congressional Elites in Washington have said to the American People. Maybe they need another big fat raise to get them motivated. They just "awarded" themselves one, but it apparantly wasn't not have been enough to get them to do anything yet.

Right now the big push is on to register hispanics to vote in the upcoming elections. The organisers are trying to convince us that it'll be Legal and above board, because lying about their status would be a "felony". Is that a joke or what? They are already stealing S.S. numbers and getting counterfiet documents to carry on their business and aren't worried about getting caught now. So now with the whole country up in arms about voting machine irregularities, we are going to have to deal with Illegal aliens voting illegally and go through the hassle of proving it. This election is going to have the most Illegal votes of all time. That combined with the losers claiming the machines didn't work is going to be a real mess.

The Elites in Washington really got us in deep this time. There's going to be some major finger-pointing going on in the months ahead. Our elites inWashington don't know what's going on, and know even less about what to do about it. All I know is Let the Legal American Citizens Beware, because the Elites in Washington are going to give us our Just Due as soon as they are reelected. All I can do is hope that they aren't.