More & More of the Same-o Same-o
Sure does sound like more and more democrats are going to get caught up in the home loan debacle.
Dodd, Conrad, and now Obama. I wonder if the bucks will stop there with the democratic presidential contender?
Knowing and seeing the kid-glove treatment Obama gets from the press, I don't expect to hear much more about it. And I suspect other motives.
That said, Baracks home deal here in Chicago is sounding sleazier and sleazier.
I've lived in the city of Chicago from the Great State of Illinois for the last 59 years now. I had to laugh when I heard the excuses from Obama because I've heard seemingly every B.S. story on the books from Chicagos' internationally famously corrupt democrats for so long now. I say democrats because there has NEVER been a republican elected in Chicago ever. I think that we hold the record for having the most politicians go to jail for corruption than anywhere else in the country. Not to worry though, they always get off with a slap on the wrist. Some even get out after serving there time and run for office again. Gotta love it.
Right now our democratic governor Rod Blago is suspected of being "Politician A" in a federal bribe taking and job rigging investigation. Yes it involves Obama fundraiser Tony Rezko, who ended up in jail.
A little history. Obama fundraiser and jailbird Tony Rezko and democratic presidential contender Barack Obama each happen (by chance) to buy a 2 pieces of property right next door to each other. Obama bought his property (house) and received a $300,000 discount on the asking price when the R.E. market was red-hot. Rexko (a real estate developer) bought his unimproved property (no house) for $300,000 MORE than the asking price. Then Obama discovered that 1) the house doesn't have the elbow room on one side of it he'd like to have and 2) Tony Rezko just happens to own the lot next to that side. Imagine that. How lucky can a guy get? Anyway, Obama gets Tony to sell him a chunk of his property for what is termed a fair price, basically leaving the rest of the lot to small for building on. I guess with Rezko, the lots owner, in jail now, the lot will become an overgrown eyesore for a while. (To bad too, cause it cost him $600,000 for the lot.) That is until the city of Chicago (read taxpayers) step-up to the plate and keep it kept-up. And don't think that'll be because of Obamas' clout.
Now we hear more about Obamas R.E. deal. We're expected to believe that his position had nothing to do with the rate he got. I guess the rest of America just doesn't know how to negotiate, except for a few U. S. senators. Like I said before, being from Chicago I find that B.S. a little to hard to swallow.
I do wonder though if this Obama thing is being thrown out there as cover for Dodd, Conrad, and whoever else gets caught. Everybody (?) knows how innocent Obama is, and the press is in awe of him, so I don't expect it to come up much. By extension Dodd, Conrad, et al. get a pass.
So Simple.