Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On the Carpet

I saw a good one the other day. I was watching a senate hearing and Sen. Dianne Feinstein was grilling the governor from Louisiana. Gov. Blanco was complaining about how long it takes for the reconstruction grants to be processed and to straighten out any problems with the figures. Then they had the company president on. He said they had hired and trained more staff to finally handle the job.

But this is a problem that the Gov. made herself. She chose and hired the company herself. Then she went before the senate crying the blues.

They saved the best for last though. Mayor Nagin took the seat and said that he could do a better job by himself with a couple of local banks. I almost fell out of my chair. That was beautiful. He was jus about to be called before congress himself for, let's say "irregularities"(?), about what happened to all the Federal Dollars that were supposed to go for levee inspections and repairs. Then Katrina hit and she got them all off the hook. I can imagine what we'd be hearing and reading about if the mayor had his way.

I'll bet the good senator wanted to die though. Mostly softball question and every democrat there trying to blame everyone else. Not a repulican in the bunch.

That's our congress in-action. These MAROONS really think they know whats good for us.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Good Grief! It's the Peace Dividend, Stupid

Grief is fairly widespread in Washington these days.
There's some grief over the Scooter Libby trial. Even the press is squirming, and I can't say I'm sorry about that.
There is some more grief over the budget proposal. Maybe even a whole bunch of it. You know, caused by the so-called "budget cuts" from the Bush admin.
There is grief in the congress about the Iraq Strategy. The usual players, the usual complaints, the usual, usual.
There's even some left over grief about Speaker Pelosi's plane, but let's skip all that.
I like Sen. Carl Levin's grief the best. He's got to be one of the best actors I've ever seen. The grief on that man's face is incredible. He never has a good day. He must really exercise and take good care of himself to be able to carry the all the grief of the American People on his shoulders like that. I'm sure that if you looked up Atlas in Webster's Dictionary or in the Encyclopedia, Sen. Carl Levin's pix would appear.
His latest burden is trying to comprehend how a person (fitch) could give the President a report with a different danger assessment than the CIA's.
Is he talking about the same CIA that got military strength of the former USSR wrong?
The same CIA that got the fall of the former USSR wrong?
The same CIA that said that Saddam was years away from developing "The Bomb" before Gulf War 1?
The same CIA that was wrong about N. Korea's bomb-building ability?
The same CIA that missed 9-1-1? Should I go on?
Maybe Carl knows something we don't. Is there a 2nd secret CIA the American People don't know exists that got the reports right?
I seem to remember some grief a couple of years ago, in the congress, about what should be done to make the 1st CIA functional again. I guess Carl Levin forgot about the "Peace Dividend". you know, that's the one that democrats during the Clinton admin. said we got after Ron Reagan won the Cold War. The Clinton admin gutted the CIA and the military, explaining that they were intrusive and obsolete in a "Post Cold War World". That there was nothing to worry about in a "Post Cold War" world. So our congress, in all it's wisdom, started cutting.
Now, Sen. Carl Levin wants to know where the equipment is that our troops could use. Now, Sen. Carl Levin wants to know why people don't believe the CIA. HA! If that doesn't beat all. If anyone should know, it should be members in the "Hallowed Halls of Congress". They acted before Bush came into office. Carl doesn't remember that they "CUT" buying for the military and "CUT" funding for the CIA.
Good Grief Carlly Levin, it's the "PEACE DIVIDEND" come home to roost!!!

Friday, February 09, 2007

How Do You Spell "SWIFTBOAT"?

O'Bama running for the presidency, If that doesn't beat all. I can see already that the democrats are going to have a battle royale on their hands.

My prediction is "Ugly". Two years running for office is a long time and with O'Bama being black, I can see a lot of "Swift-boating" action ahead. White candidates will be afraid to say anything against O'Bama for fear of being called racist. It's already started. Barak's education has been called into question and the Clinton camp doesn't know a thing about the report or where it came from. Then there's Joe Biden's comment. I didn't see anything wrong with what he said, but I'm white so what do I know? I had to be educated over the next couple of days about the subject by Jesse and Al.

Congress works longer now and it's a good thing, because with all these candidates running around the country, it's hard to see how much work they'll be able to get done. At least, it's hard for me to see anyway. To me it looks like 2 more years of Bush bashing. We're going to be hearing about Bush for the next 20 years. just like Ronald Regan and he was right.

You must admit though, it's better to have congress doing nothing. They don't have a clue. Experts are grilled in front of committees on TV and they just ignore what they hear. That is unless the person agrees with the interrogators point of view. We witnessed an example of it last week. The Expert (the General) says one thing and the inexperienced (congress) doesn't like what he has to say, so the inexperienced explain to the Expert that he doesn't know what he's talking about and he's wrong, but he's still OK in their book.

Got off the path a little here, so back to the "swiftboating". About the only way to say anything negative about O'Bama is to let the 527's take care of any problems the domocrats think they have.

Then again, there's another possibility. That Barak escapes a beating altogether, because everyone's afraid to say anything for fear of being misconstrued. Even Bill and Hillary are going to be putting on the kid gloves. Republicans especially. They can't say anything bad or even good about him without the country going nuts. We could end up with an inexperienced senator becoming an untested president.

Now that would really make for a boring campaign. But if that happens I'm sure the news media will find a way to liven things up. It all depends on which democrat they think should be president, for the good of the People, ofcourse.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Off to the Races

They said that the new speaker of the house, Nancy, was a very shrewd pol. This week her experience and shrewdness is paying off.

It's a good thing that she choose 100 hours, instead of100 days. It hasn't even been 30 days yet, and already we've had some real eyeopeners. The democrats promised us changes and an open congress, and boy are they ever taking us there.

Here we have Nancy trying to depress the wages of the poorest workers and trying to get free air travel for her relatives. Harry Reid raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars on $20,000 investments and then promoting and passing legislation his partners needed for their own enrichment. Then there's Sen. Finstein on the MILCOM committee passing legislation to enrich her husband's investment firm and his partners. His companies are some of the leading providers of military services. What else can be added about Joe Biden's remarks.

Seems like more of the same old stuff to me. Although now, they can't go to anymore free Superbowl games or get free donuts. THAT'S GOOD?

They can still be able to rake in the cash though, so we won't have to fret about that.