Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Congress and Stem Cells

Here goes our congress to save us again. Our scientists and the congress are going to bring us the next " miracle drug". Stem cells. There seems to be a small problem tho, and no-one wants to talk about it. But our elites in Washington are on the case.

I'm almost 57 and I've seen some "miracle drugs" come and go. Let's look at some.

I grew up during the Atomic Age, and the new "miracle drug" was Radiation. It was going to kill All the Bad Germs and cure cancer. We were told that mankind would live to be 150 years old. Well they are still using the procedure with, let's say mixed results.

Next we had Anti-biotics. We were told back then that the new "miracle drug" would cure cancer and everything else. Mankind would live to ripe old age of 150-175 years old. Now our scientists tell us that WE blew it, by over proscribing. We either took too much or not enough, depending on who you talk to. A lot of diseases are resistant now.

Then when my kids were born the " miracle drug" was umbilical cord blood. The cell part didn't come until later. Scientists were falling all over themselves with predictions of how wonderful life was going to be. They were going to cure cancer and everything else, Again. Mankind would live to a ripe old age of 175 years. It's been 30 years and I would have thought that by now our scientists would have more to show for the effort.

Now it's Stem cells. They're going to cure cancer and everything else. Well they have been workung with them for 15-20 years now and aside froma few positive results, so far as we know, I heard on Wisconsin Public Radio, that some of the expirements are being stopped. I heard that some of the people who've recieved treatments are developing tumors and cancer. Yes, it's pretty hush hush. Nothing in any newspapers about it. They can't tell which stem cells are good and which are bad. All this time I was led to believe they were all good. That' what our congress said. That's what scientists tell us on TV everynight. I feel like I'm not getting the whole truth, so I can make an informed decision.

I guess it's always that way when you have people with an agenda, like congress and scientists. Sometimes I think they would get alot more done if they just told us the whole truth. All they ever want to tell us is 75 or 80% of the story. Why people don't believe them is completely over their heads. If they were just upfront about whatever, we really could decide. Put the question on the ballot. If the American People think it's a good idea, they'll say so loud and clear when we vote. Congress will never let that happen tho, because they're afraid to take a chance. I mean what if the "Will of the People" clashes with the "Will of the Senate"? Then it's a real pain in the butt for them. Then they have to figure out a way to B.S. us into thinking they're on our side, when in reality they're stabbing us in the back, Again.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Who's got the Balls ?

Atleast the Israeli's have them. They aren't afraid to defend themselves. They aren't worried about fighting a politically correct war. It's to bad that it doesn't rub off on some of our own pols like Senators Barak Obama and Dick Durbin.

I can remember back in the 80's Hezbollah was the Al Qaeada of the day. When the word Hezbollah was uttered, ears perked up. Everybody listened. They knew that for the most part, it meant trouble.

It's time to stop screwing around with these guys. The Israeli's are right. The only thing that the Islamists seem to understand is killing. That's all I ever hear when they are interviewed. How to and how many to Kill, God willing.

When we hear radical Islamic leaders say that they can afford to loose 10 troops-1 you have to know they don't care who or how many. The leaders are all in hiding so what does that tell you? That they don't value Human life except their own. Their militarization, basically from childbirth, combined with suicidal brainwashing are truly frightening.

All the complaining about the Israeli occupation, and when they finally leave the Palestinians start shooting rockets into Israel. I would have thought they would have danced in the streets. But that's just me.

These people are Nuts. It reminds me of the North Koreans. There is no-one to negotiate with. We've seen it time after time, and president after president. How many peace accords do we need and have to see broken before people wake-up? It doesn't work. I don't think they really know what they want in the first place. They just seem to have to kill people to justify something or other. What that is, is beyond me.It's not like they don't alrady have a homeland. They do. It's called Lebanon. 90% of the population there is Palestinian.

There really isn't much the U.S. can do. Personally I think Pres. Bush should be sending a couple of Aircraft Carrier battle groups over there for support.

But we ain't got no balls.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What Comes to My Mind

Sen. Dick Durbin returnned from Gitmo today and guess what? He thinks that we should close the place down and the prisoners set loose on the rest of the world. But, and only but, if we guarantee their safety, ofcourse. He doesn't want them to suffer. Some of these places won't even take them back. What are we supposed to do? Set them loose here in America, because we didn't read them their Miranda Rights? I would have thought he would think about it a little but more than on the plane ride back.

After the Tokyo attacks, London Bombings, Bali Bombings, Madrid Bombings, the World Trade Center, and Pentagon, Phillipine Bombings, and most recently the Bombay Bombings, you might have thought that even he could see a pattern, aside from them all being on the 11th.

Not Sen. Dick Durbin. He's a man of steel. Full of convictions ( there were 2 more KIA in the Chicago area again last night) . But those poor terrorists, they need the protection of the U.S. Senate and #2, Sen. Dick Durbin is there to make sure they are protected.

Never mind the small fact that they're Cold Blooded Killers. I should say Natural Born Killers. You can't blame them, it's the way they were raised. Since it started so long ago, around the 50's, it seems to be all they know and all they'll ever know. We've all seen the video's of 10 yr. old Palestinian kids, marching around with their bandannas and little toy machine guns. Training. We've all seen and heard about the Madrassas, from here to Timbuktoo and what they preach. Training.

They're training the next Generation of Suicide Killers right now. We get to fund it too! Where do you think our foreign aid goes?

All over the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Malasia, Canada, India, and Kashmir. These people never seem to tire of endless bloodshed. On and on and on, ad infanatum.

A couple of old sayings come to mind, and seem to be as true today as they were then. One is "No good deed goes unpunished". Back in the 50's, terrorist leaders were hunted down by their police, so they fled to the west seeking political asylum because of their fear for their own lives. We here in the West were enlightened. We said don't even worry about the 500 or 1000 of your fellow Countrymen you blew to smithereens, and granted their requests. I think our generocity is coming back to haunt us Big Time.

The other saying is, " Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it". I sure hope that we don't have to go through that 60's anti-war B.S. again.

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Big Immigration Breakthrough?

Well today, one of my senators, Dick Durbin, is off to Gitmo, to check on the health and welfare of the Terrorist detainees. We had about 7 people gunned down here in Chicago over the weekend, and Sen. Dick Durbin went to Gitmo. After all we can't have terrorists suffering. How does that make us look, or feel?

Illegal Aliens are streaming across our border, but Dick Durbin went to Gitmo. Can't say anything about Obama, because we never hear anything about him, except that he's "presidential material".

Tonight on Lou Dobbs, one of his guests was Rep. Mike Spence(R-Ind.), who came on the show with an explaination of a possible Breakthrough in the Immigration standoff.

Boy, did it Suck. It almost sounded to me like the "Will of the Senate" warmed-up all over again. He wants to seal off the border for a couple of years before letting people line-up at "Ellis Island Centers" outside of the country to apply for Green cards, work visas, or whatever. I can't wait to see where they set-up these "Ellis Island Centers". What a name. Then when the Dept. of Homeland Insecurity certifies the borders are secure in about 2 years (huh?) it'll probebly be business as usual again. Congress wants to get to WORK and set-up a guest worker program. A Secure Border in only 2 years? They must think that the American People are real Goofballs to fall for that one. It's been 6 mos. since we were going to get 2,500 troops to help on the border, but so far all we've managed is 900, and they didn't even make it all the way there yet.

I keep hearing on the news about all the states passing laws to make Illegal Aliens Illegal again. What a concept. 27 so far and Colorado is in play right now. City and town leaders are finally doing their duty. That's to Protect the American people from invasions.

I still haven't heard anything about cracking down on employers yet and holding them accountable. Just like our congress is so fond of telling us about, but only when it has to do with someone else, not them ofcourse.The fastest way to get rid of Illegals is to go after their employers. We won't have to deport anybody. Once the jobs go away, they'll go home or maybe Canada. Maybe they'll even demand their Human Rights back in their own countries. They shouldn't have much trouble protesting there, after all they're pretty good at it here in the U.S.

I just had to Email Spence, Durbin, and Obama tonight to let them know what I thought of the New Breakthrough, not that it will do any good. I just keep getting the same old B.S. about how they are going to take my opinions into consireration. Then they invite me for coffee and donuts if I'm ever in the capitol. Not from Barak Obama though, he just doesn't reply at all. I never get anything back from him.

Did I mention Sen. Dick Durbin went to Gitmo today to check on the saftey of the Terrorists?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I Wonder Why

What a day this is turning out to be. My son watching a program about global warming and all the talk about the "DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC of KOREA". (There's an oxymoron for you.) I don't know where to start.

Let's try global warming, again! Yes the earth is warming and sea levels are rising. As far as I can tell, and from what scientists are saying, it's been like that for the last 15,000 or 20,000 years. Back then the Midwest was buried under 1 1/2 mile thick sheet of ice. Back then noone lived here. I can only imagine how many species have been killed off in all those eons. Millions.

Noone ever wants to talk about what started global warming 20,000 years ago. My son tells me that scientists drilled out ice cores that go back 2,000 years and they show earth is warming up. My question is, 'Why didn't they drill down to 25,000 or 35,000 years ago'? The sad truth is that the earth was getting colder and they don't want to tell anyone that. The Earth has weather cycles. Duh! I find it hard to believe that Indians, or even cavemen, would have been able to burn enough WOOD to get the CO2 ball rolling.

But you never know, maybe they were "environmentally conscious" and didn't cut down old growth forests. Maybe they all caught fire at the same time, from a lightning strike or something like that flooding the atmosphere with CO2. Just like the giant fires we're having, this and every year here in the U.S.A. Instead of admitting Bad management, we say global warming. I hear that they are having floods in Colorado now in the areas that were burned out last year. I think mother nature is telling us to clear out the old stuff in the forests or she'll do it for us and we humans probebly won't like the results. I think it's time for the powers that be to WAKE-UP. But I'm sure that "More rain because of global warming" will be blamed and not bad management.

The only thing that can explain the warm-up, 20,000 years ago, is increased Solar activity. Let's get real here. What else could it be. There were No cars, power plants, jet airplanes, or anything else. Only ice and lots of it. Oh yah, and some trees around the equator.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard a quick report on some of the temperature observations on the planet Mars. They've been watching the planet for atleast 25 years now, and the scientists reported that the temperature is Rising. Imagine what a revelation like coming out in public could do to some causes. It was on FOX News, and I never heard it again on that or any other channel. It sounds to me like noone wants that report released to the general public. I wonder why?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

More Hard Congressional Work

Well, what a suprise. Congress is holding hearings to ask a bunch of activists what the "American People" think about Illegal Immigration. If it wasn't so expensive, I might laugh about it. Atleast the House hearings seem to have some credibility to them. They atleast went to where the problem is.

The Senate is another matter. It looked like only 2 of our esteemed senators even bothered to even show up. Arlen and Ted. You know who's side they're on in this game they're playing on the "American People". The jokes on us, but I don't get it.

Today we heard the Mayor of New York City say that New York City would go belly-up if they didn't have Illegal Aliens there. I could hardly believe my ears. Wall Street-Gone. The Bronks- devestated. Long Island and Park Ave. mansions- all being sold off in a fire sale for $25,000, just to unload them. I find that premise laughable. NYC looking like an old west ghost town, just because a bunch of Illegal Aliens had to go back to their own Homelands.

Next, we heard from the Agri-business lobby. Prices for our products might go up. That's the funniest of all. Since when has the Agri-business lobby ever worried about anything but their own profits? Milk here in the Chicago area, The Midwest, is $4.00 a gallon. What's it going to do, go up another $0.25 a gallon more? Let's face it, prices can only go up so much before they start to kill off their own businesses. I also think that will drive executive pay packages down considerably, because they'l have to show cost savings somewhere.

There will be some turmoil for a while, but it'll work itself out like it always seems to, despite what the nay-sayers say.

NO congressional work done in the chambers for the lsst couple of days. Probebly ecause they had to Jet around the country for the hearings.